(I produced this video for AIM AIR in 2008 to show the scope of the ministry. This was one of the busiest times in the history of AIM AIR.)

Africa is a vast and varied landscape.
Grasslands, highlands, deserts, war zones.
And for those who are called to these lands, to “go and make disciples”,
this is the environment they go into.

In an area representing 8 countries and over 8 million square kilometers,
spanning the homelands of over 250 million people,
AIM AIR is a vehicle for taking the great commission to the ends of the earth.

We fly up to a million miles every year.
With a team of about 30 families.
Turning 12 aircraft, into tools.
Moving missions and missionaries over some of the world’s most inhospitable terrain,
to bring hope and the Good News
to some of the world’s most forgotten peoples.